Lamp-lighting ceremony of nursing cadets of AFMC

by Editorial

New Delhi: Lamp-lighting ceremony of 40 nursing cadets of 55th batch of college of nursing, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune was conducted on Wednesday at AFMC on virtual platform. Senior officers, MNS Officers, faculty members, trainee officers, parents and students of College of Nursing, AFMC were virtually present during the Ceremony. Lt Gen Nardeep Naithani, Director & Commandant, AFMC graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Brig P. Gandhimathy, Brig MNS Southern Command was the Guest of Honour. Brig Amita Devrani, Principal College of Nursing, AFMC presented a brief report of the college.

Light is the universal symbol of truth, knowledge and understanding and as per the tradition the ceremony started with kindling the lamp by the dignitaries. Brig Amita Devrani passed the light to faculty members who in turn passed it to the Nursing Cadets. Passing of light symbolizes the dissemination of knowledge, skill, wisdom, dedication and dignity from the learned to the learners, from the teachers to the taught. Nurse’s pledge was administered to the students by Brig P. Gandhimathy, Brig MNS Southern Command to enshrine the ethos and values of nursing as a noble profession.

The Chief Guest addressed the students and motivated them for upholding the professional standards set forth by Florence Nightingale who was the epitome of dedication and founder of Modern nursing. The Chief Guest felicitated the meritorious students who were awarded the Lt General KS Masters Memorial Silver Medal and Rashi Memorial Medal for academic excellence. Lt Col Bindu A.K. was awarded the Silver Jubilee Rolling Trophy, The Brig Shukla Trust Award and Lt Col S D Kale Silver Medal for the best all round and best outgoing PBBsc (N) trainee officer and for securing first position in Maharashtra University of Health Sciences PBBSc (N) exam held in 2019-2020.

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