On Friday morning, a thick layer of fog covered Delhi, reducing visibility to zero. The temperature in the capital dropped to 9.6 degrees Celsius at 5:30 AM, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD). The department forecasts the minimum temperature for the day will be 6 degrees Celsius, with the maximum expected to reach 20 degrees Celsius, accompanied by “very dense fog.”
Flight Disruptions Due to Fog
In light of the thick fog, the Delhi Airport issued an advisory about the impact on flight departures. It mentioned that flights complying with CAT III standards could still land and depart. Passengers were advised to check with their airlines for the latest flight updates. The advisory stated, “Due to dense fog, there has been an impact on flight departures. However, flights which are CAT III compliant are able to land and depart from Delhi Airport. Passengers are requested to contact the airline concerned for updated flight information. Any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.”
#WATCH | Visibility reduced to zero as a blanket of dense fog witnessed in parts of Delhi-NCR
(Visuals from Rajokri area) pic.twitter.com/Pw89P7oavt
— ANI (@ANI) January 10, 2025
Severe Air Quality and Cold Weather
The air quality in Delhi worsened, reaching the ‘severe’ category with an AQI of 409 recorded at 7 AM, up from 299 the previous day. The Central Pollution Control Board classifies AQI between 401 and 500 as ‘severe.’ As the temperature dropped, night shelters across the city were fully occupied. The Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB) set up 235 pagoda tents to provide temporary shelter for the homeless. Shelters have been established at various locations, including AIIMS, Lodhi Road, and the Nizamuddin flyover.