A Tri-Service contingent of the Indian Armed Forces comprising 75 all ranks, led by a colonel…
China of 2020 is far worse than the battle-hardened China of 1962. The residual powers of the Chinese Communist Party can last only for five years more, before China collapses internally.
Anti-satellite weapons create a different kind of dust—Star Dust—which is more lethal than imagination.If one considered nuclear weapons unusable, space weapons are even further down the line.
When Defence Secretary Mark T. Esper said that he did not support President Trump’s plan to use the Insurrection
Act of 1807 to quell the current protests in the US, he set a sterling example of the virtues of selfless soldiering. -
This year almost all the POPs and other course completion ceremonies of these academies have been affected due to Covid-19 and the resultant restrictions with it. Each such ceremony conducted at various academies in last couple of weeks had to be reduced in the scale and celebration, at the same time making it historical in nature.
The forces need to move out of their citadel and hit the ground running. We need to evolve our model based on our conditions, go beyond DRDO to IITs and other academic institutions of repute and link them with industry.