Mankind and the world have travelled a long and tedious path to achieve what we enjoy…
The occasional rough patch between India and Nepal should not be used to sound the death knell of their relationship. One only needs to take a look at the long legacy of the Gorkha regiment as evidence of the respect the two nations have for each other.
Success of Quad is an essential condition for a comprehensive success of the 2 plus 2 dialogue as the security and stability in the Indo-Pacific are based upon strong quadrilateral ties. Only then can we handle the Chinese well.
If we have to grow as a regional or global power, we must dominate the seas. We can do that by playing the maritime policeman’s role and by denying access to those inimical to us in our seas of interest—Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and part of Indian Ocean which extends from the Persian Gulf to the Malacca Straits.
The special relations between India and Nepal have manifested in the Chiefs of the two Armies being bestowed the honour of Honorary Chiefs of each other’s armed forces. This is a unique arrangement which defines the strong ties the two nations share.