Global icon Priyanka Chopra Jonas continues to inspire with her achievements on both personal and professional fronts. The beloved “Desi Girl” has now taken on the role of executive producer for the impactful short film Anuja, which has been shortlisted for the 2025 Oscars. The film, a winner of the live-action short award at the 2024 HollyShorts Film Festival, is in the running for the Academy Award in the live-action short category.
Anuja: Shortlisted for Oscars 2025
Directed by Adam J. Graves and produced by Suchitra Mattai, Anuja is set in New Delhi and tells the compelling story of a nine-year-old girl forced to make a life-changing decision. Anuja, the titular character, works with her elder sister Palak in a small garment factory. The film delves into her internal struggle as she decides between continuing her education or helping her sister support their family financially.
The narrative highlights the harsh reality of child labor and the limited educational opportunities available to many children. It sheds light on systemic issues that deprive young individuals of their childhood and future prospects.
Priyanka Chopra on Collaborating with Anuja
In an interview, Priyanka Chopra Jonas shared her pride in being associated with the film. Speaking to Variety, she said:
“This beautiful film sheds light on a critical issue impacting millions of children worldwide. Anuja is a poignant, thought-provoking piece that makes us reflect deeply on the power of choices and how they shape the course of our lives. I am immensely proud to be associated with such a phenomenal and impactful project.”
Partnerships Behind Anuja
The film was made in collaboration with the Salaam Baalak Trust (SBT) and Shine Global. The Salaam Baalak Trust, a nonprofit organization established by Mira Nair’s family, works diligently to support street and working children in India. These partnerships played a key role in bringing the story of Anuja to life, further amplifying its social impact.