NEW DELHI: Last few weeks have been witnessing the otherwise inactive grounds of the Army Goodwill…
Given the progress of technology on the modern battlefield, it is certainly better to address newer threats and develop countermeasures before it is too late. However, in a financially constrained economy like ours, we will need to strike a balance between modernising troops and sustaining existing infrastructure.
Beijing’s recent bid to modernise the PLA speaks a lot of the nation’s goals, its strengths as well as its weaknesses. However, given the Dragon’s ruthless ambition, India should closely monitor its activities to develop appropriate strategies.
The IISF-2020 proposes to bring more than 10,000 researchers, scientists and experts from different subjects to discuss their research findings and exchange innovative ideas on the identified research themes, says Union Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan.
The induction of technological advancements as a force multiplier on the modern battlefield requires restructuring and optimising the defence forces. However, the process must be well-calibrated, considering the threat perception by the armed forces, and the financial constraints of a growing economy.
Post cessation of hostilities in 1962, PLA relocated its forces to pre-war positions on the Chinese side of the McMahon Line. But it did not vacate the northern part of Namka Chu valley. This area is still under the illegal occupation of China.